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Podcast: The Roadmap round-up 2023

As the year draws to a close, we're reflecting on another busy, but enjoyable and insightful, 12 months for The Roadmap - the digital transformation podcast hosted by Bristows' commercial technology team.

In 2023, we have released 11 episodes - featuring 13 tech-focused experts - which have been downloaded in 50 countries/territories. Just in case you missed any, we have provided links to each of them below.

Thank you to all our listeners and colleagues, who have supported, or contributed to, the podcast this year.

We're kicking-off 2024 with some special guests so watch this space!

2023 episodes:

Listen to all episodes of The Roadmap here.

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theroadmappod, commercial and technology, data protection and privacy, digital disruption, digital transformation, it and digital, technology, podcast