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Global Talent 24: a spotlight on the Life Sciences sector

We are delighted to have collaborated with Mark Abbs (Global Mobility Partner at Blick Rothenberg) on a global talent report for the Life Sciences sector - Global Talent 24

This report looks at the global talent trends and best practice emerging in 2024 and beyond. It offers a critical analysis and recommendations for organisations in the Life Sciences sector, especially for those that are looking to scale and grow quickly, as well as those looking to reset and approach things a little differently following the pandemic.

Global Talent 24 provides practical guidance on:

  • Building a global talent strategy
  • Expanding your talent pools
  • Reducing your people-related costs
  • Legal and compliance considerations arising from an internationally-mobile workforce
  • Creating a talent roadmap to scale quickly
  • Continuing to grow and compete globally



employment, life sciences, life sciences regulatory, publication, video