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Podcast: EU AI Act - ‘high risk’ AI, roles and requirements

In the first episode in this series on the EU AI Act - brought to you by The Roadmap team - we introduce some key elements of the Act we think all organisations need to be aware of. In particular:

  • how to know whether your AI product or use is “high risk” – a vital question since so many of the Act’s requirements flow from it; and
  • what “role” you’re playing under the Act – including, importantly, providers (developers) and deployers (i.e. users). Please stay tuned for upcoming episodes in this series, including product safety under the AI Act and how to manage internal governance.

Please also take a look at our recent article series on the EU AI Act in which we address these subjects further – high risk AI, provider and deployer roles, product safety requirements, AI governance, and IP and employment issues under the Act.

Thanks for listening!
If you have any feedback, questions or comments, please email us at Find all the episodes as we release them here, and don’t forget to subscribe! 

Note: All information was correct at the time of recording.

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artificial intelligence, digital transformation, technology, podcast