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| 1 minute read

Podcast: EU AI Act – product safety

Numerous parallels can be drawn between the EU AI Act and product safety legislation - including risk classification for product liability, conformity assessments, CE marking and post-market surveillance – all of which are mirrored in the Act.

But are organisations that are well-versed in placing safety-critical products on the market, better prepared to comply with the product safety aspects of the EU AI Act than others?

In the second episode of our mini-series focusing on this significant regulatory change, host Anneke Pol is joined by Charlie Hawes and Alex Denoon to:

  • Explore some of these parallels in more detail; and
  • Share some takeaways from medical device legislation for those looking to comply with the product safety features of the Act – particularly in the context of “high risk” AI systems.

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theroadmappod, artificial intelligence, life sciences regulatory, technology, podcast