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Introducing The Safety Net: Online safety resource hub

We are delighted to announce the launch of The Safety Net – our brand-new hub dedicated to all things online safety.

The Online Safety Act (OSA) is the UK’s legislative framework for a new regulatory regime aimed at making the internet safer for UK users. The Safety Net breaks the framework down into digestible chunks to help you understand whether your organisation is in scope of the OSA, what your obligations are and what Ofcom’s powers are in relation to this new regime.

What will you find on The Safety Net?

  • Expert ‘explainer’ articles on core OSA topics
  • Timeline: Outlining key milestones in Ofcom's regulatory roadmap and key compliance deadlines
  • Glossary: To help you understand the  complex OSA terminology
  • Insights: Blog posts, podcasts and videos

Check out the introductory video - from data protection & privacy Of Counsel Faye Harrison - below and explore the hub here.

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data protection and privacy, interactive entertainment, it and digital, online safety, technology, article